Monday, November 3, 2008

Obama salutes Hillary Clinton and McCain (with one finger)

Remember when you were young, say about eleven or twelve years old, and you or one of the other kids wanted to show utter disrespect to a grown-up.

You already know what I am going to say, right? While talking (or even seemingly showing great respect) to the grown-up, the middle finger goes up either slightly disguised or behind the back of the grown-up.

Well, even though he has showered praises upon Hillary Clinton (his opponent in the primaries) and John McCain (his opponent in the general election), Senator Obama has given BOTH of his opponents "the" finger, "the bird" or "the one-finger salute".

In my opinion, the willingness publicly to give his political opponents the finger shows:
  1. Senator Obama is able to and perfectly willing to wax eloquently on a subject (in these cases, praising his opponents) even when he certainly doesn't mean a word of it (or in these cases, he believes exactly the opposite).
  2. Senator Obama has utter contempt for his political opponents (and I would dare say also for the people who support his opponents).
  3. Far from being gracious, above all of the pettiness, dignified, distinguished, respectful, stately, and so on, Senator Obama himself has demonstrated that he is just the opposite.
  4. Far from wanting to bring out the very best in those that he leads, Senator Obama seems to ridicule those that oppose him (in very crass and juvenile forms) and wants others to follow his example.
First, I will show his "dissing" Senator Clinton and then his "dissing" Senator McCain.

Watching him in these videos, there should be ABSOLUTELY NO DOUBT that this is exactly what Senator Obama is doing. Watch his attitude as he gives Hillary the finger.

I literally had a sick feeling as I saw it. It reminded me of my childhood watching the other kids mocking teachers or neighbors. I do not think of the next President of the United States, the leader of the free world.

And now Senator Obama flipping Senator McCain off.

Such arrogance.

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