Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Obama: I will bankrupt the coal industry and the cost of electricity will soar

Yep, it's Election Day in the United States. And wouldn't you just know it, the San Francisco Chronicle alerted America that they had video of Senator Obama from January. When did the Chronicle do this? This weekend.

What did the video show? Not much. It simply has Senator Obama say that he will make it cost prohibitive to use coal. (You know coal is one of the chief ways that America produces electricity.)

Senator Obama says the price of electricity will "skyrocket" (his description, not ours).

It's a good thing that hardly anything runs on electricity. Don't worry, though. If things gets too much for us, we could get away from it all for awhile. Get into our hybrid automobiles that a lot of us saved up for and . . . .

< Smile >

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